User growth background and importance More and more companies are beginning to focus on the concept of user growth, because the era of relying on demographic dividends for sustainable development is executive email list over. If enterprises want to develop sustainably, they must focus on increasing users, continuously acquiring new users, and capturing more old users. After the growth was proposed, it was widely popularized. The reason is that it has changed the brutal product development model and proposed the core purpose of product development, namely user growth. The introduction of the concept of executive email list growth has undoubtedly provided a beacon to many companies that are groping in the dark, and has also allowed the team to have a consistent goal in terms of strategic direction, strategy customization, program planning, and team organization. 2. Basic model of user growth In "Growth Hacking", AARRR's user growth model is proposed, which divides growth into five stages: acquisition, interaction, retention, realization, and dissemination.
Through progressive guidance, a continuous closed loop of growth is achieved. Based on this model, designers can explore the role of design in various stages of growth The role of design in growth Driven by executive email list user growth, whether products, operations or technical means must be communicated to users through design. The content organization, guidance method, and visual performance of the design directly determine the user's cognition, use, and perception of the product, and its importance is self-evident. At the same time, a growth team is composed of multiple roles. Designers, on the other hand, executive email list can systematically think about problems and put forward opinions from the user's perspective, helping the team to focus closely on the user. Therefore, in the growth team, the role of the designer is also very important. 4. Design analysis from the perspective of user growth
Under the growth mindset, designers should think clearly about the purpose of user experience at each stage of growth from the perspective of users, and then analyze the current situation and problems of executive email list products, users, designs, competing products, and data around the purpose, and finally focus on the discovery of growth problems. . This process can be done in three steps: Define the experiential purpose of the five stages of growth; Analyze the status quo and problem points of each stage; Find the underlying problem and cause. 1. Define the purpose of the experience Defining the purpose of the executive email list growth experience is fundamental work that will make subsequent design analysis clearer and more focused. In the actual project, due to the different types of products, the specific content will be different, and the designer should make judgments according to the product type.